Flat-rate divorce

What is the definition a flat fee service?

From https://dictionary.cambridge.org, flat fee (also fixed fee) is: an amount that is charged or paid that does not change according to the amount of work done.

In order words, you (the Client) pay the firm (the Attorney) an amount of money for an amount of work. This amount remains the same, regardless of whether it takes the attorney three hours or four hours to complete the task. This amount remains the same whether a court date is rescheduled twice or not at all. And this allows you to budget your finances accordingly.

What does a flat fee divorce look like?

A flat -fee divorce begins, usually, with an uncontested or “agreed” divorce. Wherever possible, and with or without the help of a private mediator, the two people divorcing are in complete or very-near-complete agreement as to the terms of their divorce. This means that they have agreed on how to divide property and assets, how to split any debts, the amount of spousal and/or child support, and parenting plans / custody.

What does a flat fee divorce cost?

As of February 1, 2023:
For a divorce with children, $4,000.
For a divorce with no children, $3,000.

Will my cost ever change?

Only if you want it , or circumstances demand it. Here’s what we mean:
If your case has unexpected changes where your attorney must complete additional work in order to represent you properly, you will be notified. At that point, you will decide whether you would like to have the attorney complete the unexpected work, or whether you choose an alternate route. Some examples of unexpected changes and unexpected work are the following: your ex makes a large or unexpected change to the agreement; either of you make a large or unexpected change in income, job status, health, or other factor which impacts your divorce. This also includes Emergency Motions filed by either side where the Court must intervene. Any change in cost will be discussed with and approved by the client before the Attorney takes on the work and the Client takes on the cost.