Our Services

The attorneys at Gipe Family Law and Mediation LLC implement effective strategies in order to assist clients in obtaining their desired outcomes. Our client-focused professionals can assist you with the following needs and more:


parental rights

child support

parenting time

premarital agreements

postmarital agreements


property division

(aka spousal support / alimony)

anti domestic violence (orders of protection,  no-contact orders)



mediation, collaborative law, document preparation and limited scope representation



Modern Families. Modern Solutions.

As the definition of family changes, our office stays equipped to handle your legal needs. Whether you're considering marriage or handling issues of prenups, co-parenting, estate planning or even divorce and allocation of parental rights (formerly "custody"), one of the best things you can do is speak with an attorney about your options. We tailor our services to meet specific client goals because we recognize that each case is different, and each client has their own goals in mind. The attorneys at Gipe Family Law and Mediation LLC are uniquely qualified to address legal matters in domestic violence.

Our primary focus is helping you achieve a successful outcome, whatever that means for you. If we can be of service, please call our downtown Chicago family law and estate planning firm. You can request a meeting with a skilled attorney online using our link on the contact page, or by calling (312) 451-9358.

Client-focused results

Your family, your goals. Communication is key to getting what makes sense for your family.